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What Our Students Say

This is what our students say about our school.............. (statements from this year's Student survey)


  • Choosing DSS was one of the best decisions I ever made. The teachers are all friendly and supportive and try to get the best out of all of us for the future.
  • The best school I have ever been to – excellent support in all aspects, both academic and pastoral support
  • Dorset Studio School has given me opportunities I didn’t think about before and would not have been able to access in my previous school.
  • DSS is a great school that gives hard and challenging work but gives the students the support when they need it.
  • Staff support is outstanding during lessons. I have become more confident over the years of attending this school.
  • This school has brought the joy back to learning and coming to school.
  • ‘It is much better than my last school. I much prefer the daily routines here. It feels like staff put more effort into building relationships with students’

  • ‘The work is suited to my ability. I am challenged and supported’

  • ‘Dorset Studio School is way more supportive than any other school I have been to. The teachers care about the students and allow students to flourish in their subjects’

  • ‘Work experience throughout years 10 and 11 has helped me grow as a person. It has helped me overcome my fear of social interaction.’

  • ‘Dorset Studio School teachers are passionate about what they do, and they work hard to guarantee your success’

  • ‘DSS is a great school. I no longer wake up and complain about going to school. The teachers here are supportive and wonderful. They help me in my learning but also mentally. I know if I need help with anything they will support me. I now look forward to coming to school’

  • ‘DSS is a very diverse and supportive school. All the teachers are very helpful as they give great support and are very qualified, which gives us an in-depth learning experience.

  • ‘I previously struggled with Maths, but due to the teachers here, I’m beginning to love the subject. The staff have supported me and pushed me further in order to reach a potential I was never sure I had’

  • ‘DSS is very different to other schools in a good way!’

  • ‘Dorset Studio School has helped me massively. They are so understanding of everything and have given me the most help, educationally and emotionally.’

  • ‘All the staff are lovely and get to know the students personally, which also forms brilliant relationships between us all’


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